Wednesday, 8 July 2015

DIY Wanderlust Phone Cover

Yow! How are y'all? Am so happy to post this DIY after a really long time (as usual)! I completed my postgraduation in Biotechnology and am back to Bombay for good. I have decided to take a year off in order to do all possible things that I have missed out on, because of my tedious lab hours during the last five years. Hence, this break year will be dedicated to food, travel, DIY and photography not necessarily in the order I mentioned. I assume it'll help me grow as a person and help me unwind a little. :)

Psst! I hope you haven't fallen asleep.

So since I have 365 days of absolute freedom, I will hopefully be inspirated to post more, craft more and share more with all you amazing people.

Today I decided to make something pretty rad. I saw something similar online and thought of making my own version of it. Phone covers generally have graphic designs on them so my idea was to replace those graphics with actual stamps. I present to you *ba dum tsss* the Wanderlust Phone Cover!

As always, run to your stationery work station and pick up the following. You may have to run to the mobile accessories store for one thing. :P

I've put an asterisk on stamps, as you must have noticed. I realize that not many of you are philatelists and hence, may not have interesting stamps to compile for this project. Feel free to send me a message in case you want some interesting stamps for your cover. You can give me a cupcake in return. That's all I ask for. *wink wink*

If you ARE a philatelist like me, congratulations! Go through all those stamps you had kept aside for trade and pick the most colorful and interesting stamps for this project. Try and avoid portraits or illustrations of people. 

Let's begin!

Step 1:
Start by taking a sheet of OHP. In case you are not able to get transparencies, use any card stock or card paper. It won't be as flexible as an OHP but will act as a good substitute.
According to the inner dimensions of the phone cover, outline a rough piece of paper. Later, use this as a stencil to correctly cut your transparency.

This is the rough piece of paper cut exactly according to the inner
dimensions of the phone cover.

Use the paper to cut the OHP sheet.

Yes, am good at multitasking. Cutting the OHP and
and taking a picture! Owwww SNAP! :D

Step 2:
Place the cut OHP inside the phone cover and mark the areas around the camera/flash/speaker. Cut them out, of course. :P

Don't worry about any stray marks on the OHP. They'll get covered eventually.

Step 3:
Decide an arrangement for your stamps. Place them strategically. This is important. No, really! Placing your stamps randomly v/s placing your stamps in an organized chaos does make a difference! Try it out for yourself!

Step 4:
Stare at the arrangement and doubt your sense of placement. 

Step 5:

Step 6:
Repeat steps 4 to 6 till you're happy with the outcome. You may now paste the stamps! Haha.

The final product would make you want to doubt your crafting abilities. If you have stamps sticking out
from out sides, CONGRATULATIONS! You have done a good job!

Step 7:
Cut all the extra protruding stamp edges and make the OHP look neat. 

Step 8:
Cut out the stamps covering the camera/flash/speaker. Once that's done, push the ready OHP into the phone cover and place properly. Not that I need to tell you that, but I made a GIF for that. Gotta draw some attention towards it, okay? :P


Your phone cover is ready. Looks amazing, doesn't it? You can personalize it however you want! Use pictures, memes or even a to-do list. Okay, the last point was lame. Ignore.

Here is how mine looked.

Japan, USA, Iran, I have them all in here!

I hope you enjoy making this quirky phone cover. Go ahead, show it off! Post a picture of it on Instagram and tag it with #TheDIYFactory. I'll definitely keep an eye out for your posts!
Lastly, don't forget to follow me on Instagram @shivaniparasnis because you know am cool. JK. I post good stuff sometimes! :D

Sending lots of love your way! 

~ Shivani ~