Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Jot that thought!

નમસ્તે from the land of dhoklas and khaman!

I know, I was supposed to upload this eons ago. Sorry for the delay!
Here, have a cupcake. :*

Today's DIY is going to be something that you need every single day. At least I do.
A to-do booklet that fits practically anywhere in my bag. And what is better than making your own?

So go to your room, pick up these goods from your stationery work station and come back.

Let the crafting begin. *ta daaa*

Step 1:
Start by picking some pretty paper that you've been meaning to use for something amazing. Now's the time! Make sure it's thicker than the ruled paper you'll be using later.

Cut the paper according to the size of the booklet you want to make.

Fold the cut paper such that you get a little cover-like thing for your book.

Take a set of ruled papers and cut them according to the size of the outer cover you just prepped. Make sure that your ruled papers are around 0.5cm lesser in width than the cover of the booklet.

Now fold the cover and the ruled papers along the fold you had made earlier on the cover paper.

Wait, I was telling you everything in steps. I lost count. Teehee.

Step 2:
Binding the papers together using this simple trick is something I learnt when I was in grade 5, at a local art workshop. I realize its use now!

Pick up any eraser that you find lying around your house and place it under the opened booklet, along the spine. Also, pin up all your papers to keep them together!

Oh and open up the stapler like you do when you refill the pins!

Now place the stapler facing downwards on the point on the spine where you want to staple the pages together. One on the top and one at the bottom is generally 'nuff.

Punch punch punch!

Flip it over and take off the eraser. LOL. It's stuck to the pins now. Use a scale-like device to fold the pins inwards like a stapler would usually do.

And if you wish to add a little pocket to any of your booklets, just leave this additional flap while cutting your cover paper. See the picture below. Cut along the orange line and put some glue along the yellow line and simply fold it up!


For some beautiful little add-ons, here are some self-explanatory images. Check check! You'll love them!

Beautiful, beautiful washi tape!

This little one is as small as my credit card!

So after all those miscounted steps, you finally have your adorable to-do notebook!

Check out the others I made.

Don't you love them?

Do you feel like making your own? Yes? Yes? Then yaaay! Make them and upload them on Instagram with the hashtag #theDIYfactory! Why? Because I love to see what you lovelies do!
Also, don't forget to follow me @shivaniparasnis. I post cool pictures, you know? ;)

Let me know what you think about this post! If there is anything you would like me to make, post it in the comments below! 

Sending lots of love your way!

Adios, mis amigos.

~ Shivani ~

Friday, 8 August 2014

DIY Heart Print Jeans

Hello lovelies.

I cannot believe that it's been 10 months since I updated my blog! Life in Baroda has been super hectic since I moved here a year ago because being a full-time scientist isn't easy, yo! But hey, no complaints!

So one fine Sunday when I decided to stay at home and detach myself from science for 24 hours, this happened! It's an amazing way to revamp your old pair of jeans that is probably hiding at the bottom of your wardrobe. ;)

Read further for step by step instructions!

What do you need? As usual, nothing more than 5-6 things!

Let's start.

You will need:

1. An old pair of jeans (Make sure you can still wear 'em)
2. Fabric paint and a brush (or even a piece of sponge)
3. Cardboard cutout
4. Cutter
5. Patience

1. Start by preparing a cardboard cutout of your favourite shape. I made a heart. Not because that's my favourite shape but because it is easy to cut! :P

2. Place the cutout on the jeans and roughly mark equidistant points on the jeans in order to print the hearts on them appropriately. I haven't done that since I am lazy. Don't be lazy like me. Go and mark those points now!

3. Carefully start painting the patch. Make sure you don't disturb the position of the cutout. If that happens, you might just end up with shapes that don't look like hearts. :D

Doesn't it look pretty?

4. Continue painting the hearts all over the jeans till it looks like this:

Some blotchy hearts are okay, I suppose. :P

5. Final step, get someone to model for you!! Hahaha.

My model is allowed to go mad for a while.

Aaaand you're now a proud owner of a superb-looking pair of jeans!

I am really sorry for the bad picture quality. I had to take pictures with my phone this time. :(

Anyway, try it out and let me know how you guys experiment with the patterns!
You can share your pictures on Instagram and tag them with #thediyfactory. I would love to see what you guys do!

So that's it for this post!
Hope you enjoyed it!

Lots of love,

~   Shivani ~